As the days and years pass by, the California DUI laws are getting tougher and tougher. With the recent updates, the California DUI laws enforcement passed a law that requires its citizens that is the drivers in many counties in California with any DUI conviction to install an interlock device. This law is going to affect many drivers out there in California ; hence to understand this much more better the need for a California DUI lawyer will be of great and of importance use. This is because the DUI lawyer will be able to explain much more about the rights of the drivers or individuals.
Understanding the California DUI laws is not as easy as one would think of. Therefore, the need to have a California Dui Lawyers to help is of importance, this is because the DUI lawyer of California knows more about the laws under the California DUI laws and is able to explain to any individual the serious repercussions if convicted of drunk driving in California. Reaching out for a California DUI lawyer for consultancy in case one wants to fight charges is always for free. Whenever there is a California DUI arrest, there are many things that an individual should take note of, the driver's license and the freedom to drive in the California roads. For that reason then, one should enlist help from a California DUI lawyer who will immediately focus on the driving under influence case. The California DUI lawyer will also find ways of knowing how to navigate from the court system, as well as make sure that the individuals rights are protected and generally fight so as to keep the person accused out of jail. One should not only focus of staying out of jail, but also fight for freedom after the California DUI arrest, as well as also against the driver license.
According to the California DUI law, the arrest triggers two separate cases, that is a case of the court and also a case from the department of motor vehicles. For the fight for one to save the driver's licence, one has a limit of ten days to request a hearing from the department of motor vehicles, failure to make this request, so one is definitely guaranteed to lose the driver's license. However, with the use of the California DUI lawyer, then all is not lost, this is because the DUI lawyer will understand how to request the hearing and hence fight for the driving licenses.
The two ways in which the California state can convict one by the use of two different statues, the California vehicle code section a, which tends to focus on whether the individual was under the influence of alcohol or dugs to an extend that one is unable to drive the car with the same caution characteristics of a sober person. And also the vehicle code section b, which then again tends to concnterate more on the blood alcohol content of 0.8 percent or even greater. This regards on whether an individual is able to drive perfectly before the traffic stops. It relies more on the body chemistry, therefore, when caught in such a situation then the need to contact a California DUI lawyer is of importance since the DUI lawyer will be able to help one to escape the punishment in whatever cost. And what a DUI arrest should keep in mind is that the punishment for committing a DUI in California is quite different and separate case from the drivers license hearing.
The penalties that are imposed on an individual by the California department of motor vehicles will suspend the drivers licenese for a minimum of four months for any first offense California DUI arrest that is if one loses the hearing. For the second and third time is a suspension of two and three years respectively. These repercussions are faced by the California drivers who tend to submit in to a chemical test of their blood or even breathe. In case the drivers refuse, then the department of motor vehicles will increase the punishment. Therefore, there is no need for any individual to take up the challenge of California DUI case without the help of a DUI lawyer.
Article Reference :- California Dui Lawyers, California Dui Lawyers
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